Andrew R.
- North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
35.00$ /heure
- Genre : Homme
- Âge : 34 ans
- Expérience : 2 ans
- Dernière connexion : 2021-06-01
Lieu d'enseignement
- Chez l'étudiant
- Chez le tuteur
- En ligne
- Dans un lieu public
I have two years experience helping students succeed in high school and university math, calculus, and physics courses by making math simple and problems less intimidating. I am a recent university graduate with a honours degree in physics and mathematics minor equivalent.
Please contact me by phone or email if you are looking for a tutor. I would be happy to help!
Currently tutoring: Physics 11, Math 116, Physics 110
- 2 ans d'expérience
Description :
Previous tutoring experience throughout my degree program and after graduation. Mostly focusing on math and physics for senior high school and first-year university students. Currently tutoring high school physics, and calculus and physics courses at Capilano University.
- Diplôme : B.Sc (Honours) in Physics (Complété en 2013)
- Institution : University of Victoria British Columbia (Canada)